Saturday 3 December 2011

Hello! :)

Let me give you a heads up of what to expect...
The title "Omniscience" means the complete knowledge of everything. By that I'm sure as hell not implying that I know everything, its a mere wish to throw light on the fact that, such a word exists, which doesn't have anything to do with the blog....or maybe it does [you and I will both have to find that out..]

Now for a brief intro..I want to keep this space about everything that has caught my eye. Simple.

Who am I ?
Again.....I'll tell you when I find out.

Till then...

Breathe easy, shall we?

1 comment:

  1. Its all in our minds that we make boundaries of knowing anything...Omniscience is a relative term..yet the more we know about everything we know of, the better it becomes!! :)

    Looking forward to some eye-catching stuff about whatever has caught your eyes so far.. :D :D


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