Sunday 10 June 2012


Has any of you reading this ever read the poem 'The Raven' by Edgar Allan Poe ?
It was the first poem that I read seriously with an intent to understand, what's being said. I stumbled across this amazing poetry when, a few months back, I caught myself humming "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary" repeatedly, and subconsciously trying to find the next line but to no avail.

I think I had read the poem in my 8th grade the first time, or probably it was the below comic, by xkcd
that I read and decided to Google out the source..

Whatever it may be I found The Raven, and its style clicked something inside me and made me want to write. Although I'm no literature connoisseur, I personally think that this poem's style was way ahead of its time. Almost like Lamb of God opening to Shakespeare musical.
In short, the rhyme scheme and the refrain of the poem got me weak in the knees. (There! I sound like one of those douches who like to use jargon just to show off.)

So, I've decided to post 'The Raven' as is, without me commenting or inferring stuff from it. Why dissect something beautiful when you can just stand back and enjoy?

 Hope you see what I saw in that poem.

Breathe Easy. \/

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