Tuesday 12 June 2012

How to: SoupRage

(Aha!! You thought I forgot about my 'How to: xx' series, after that How to: be a Roommate post, DID YOU NOT !?!?! _|_ I didn't !)

This post is meant to educate the sub species of humanity, on the magical and arcane etiquette of eating soup.

I was in my office cafeteria waiting in line for my turn to collect my food tray which included soup, like everyone else. I was perpetually bored and annoyed at the guy serving at the counter, for not being nimble and fast enough. Every scoop of rice he slopped onto the tray was like a work of art to him, that he enjoyed admiring.
Someone ought to teach them about Service Level Agreements (SLAs)!

Anyway, as I was slugging it out in the line, I saw that every person who got his tray+soup bowl was blindly adding extra pepper and salt to that vegetable decoction, without even tasting it first. Seriously! What if the 'artist' at the counter poured a bowl of salt in your soup without realizing, and here you are sprinkling those glorious white grains..

It is alright if you're at a random relaxed place where food is just a hassle that you need to get through everyday. But, lets say you're at a party/business lunch where the host/chef is serving soup and you here, like a gorilla just dash for the vinegar+salt+pepper combo without even tasting the soup first. This would be a great insult to the chef/host because (s)he'd feel that you're prejudiced about his/her culinary skills and somehow magically knew that whatever effort (s)he put into making that soup for you, wasn't good enough, and it'd ALWAYS NEED MORE SALT!

How would you feel if after a day's hard work, which would include writing code, fixing bugs and yelling at testers at office, your manager comes up to you and says "your soup sucks! I want more salt!" ? (I guess your answer would be "trolled".) Its the same way, you'd make the chef feel.

Have a little curtsy next time and take sip first, to show your appreciation for the chef's effort and then add the condiments, as required. Let the chef..

Breathe Easy. \/

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