Monday 25 June 2012


 Bright as a dream and a heart of gold.
To every wish's end, would her means unfold.
 'twas her wish, like a speck to flow,
Twisted and twirled into Zephyr's soft blow.
O' dear Heavens! She settled for low.

Cried the heavens.."She settled for so less!".
Her gifted wits, she traded for a dress.
Bought a minute's mirth, escaped the wailing weeks,
Relished her cheer, ignoring life's shrieks.

But who in world could advise the wise,
 leading themselves to an ironic demise.
Treading the desert, in search of snow,
Sigh heaved the heavens,
"She settled for so low!"

(Don't remember when the line "oh she settled for low" struck my head. Been trying to wrap my head around it ever since)


  1. He possessed her heart,
    She possessed his tears,
    He possessed her world
    Including her fears.

    Broken mirrors,
    Pricelessly pieced.
    Once she was one,
    Then she decreased.

    A thousand songs were dedicated,
    And then some more.
    It always fell short,
    He made her soar.

    They thought her wise,
    When they came to know..
    Then Tut-tuted at the heavens,
    Coz she settled for so low.

    But never was it about settling,
    Forget about it being low,
    She was in it for the long haul,
    She was here to see it grow.

    There are times her effort breaks,
    When the hibernation ends.
    With the animosity gone,
    It's time to become friends.

    But every once in a while
    Out come her silver linings,
    When she basks in the afterglow
    Of its unassuming Humble beginnings.

    Oh well... Facebook has its effects on my obviously sad sense of poetry. :)

  2. Wow Anonymous....Brilliant. I'm featuring this in my next blog post :)
    Just brilliant!


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