Friday 3 February 2012


Hey there! Its been long since I wrote something, and I've been dreading this day since I started. But finally, I found something that I'd like to share with you, but I'm waiting for something by SOMEONE! Without which the post will be 80%  incomplete. Hopefully sooner than later I shall put up the post.

Now you might have noticed (i.e. the old readers) that I changed my blog address from "" to "". If you haven't noticed then WELCOME new reader! Hope you have fun reading below posts !!

Coming to the reason as to why I changed the address. You see I was searching for my blog over Google and gave the keyword "faithuntested" my horror, I was looking at religious sites where people were talking about God and can connect the dots from there.
Why 'epicrotis' ? You ask. Well its two words.. "Epic" and "Rotis" (plural of 'Roti') (together it sounds like a latin word). To those who don't know what a Roti is, its a type of Indian bread, some call it 'Chappati' or 'flat bread' while most Indians hailing from the North call it 'Roti'.

Now all my life I've loved chowing down rotis (or "roteeeeeeeeeeeeeeees") that my mom would make every morning. Also there has been several instances where the significance of a roti/chappati was brought to my notice by several melodramatic means... like Old Bollywood movies (we wont go there....NO WAY!) and this one special instance 7 years ago, where my mentor, (I call him "Professor") who was helping me with competitive exams, once said this in class..

" No matter what you become or do, even if you end up making chappatis for a living, make sure that you make the best chappatis in the world "

and this was etched in my head ever since and was the first thing that came to my mind while searching for a new name... "EpicRotis". \m/

I'm sure everyone has had such moments where someone wise said something, not necessarily to you, and it got stuck forever in your mind.

Breathe Easy \/.

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